Monday, December 14, 2009

Sainsbury's We're Here to Piss You Off

I think Royal China changed suppliers since last week. Portions are smaller and the food tastes different. Then again, they're still the best dimsum place so either put up or shut up.

You know those points that you collect while doing grocery shopping? I've amassed quite a few, 33,000 points to be exact and I thought it'd be a good idea to use them for groceries. I happily sauntered off to Sainsburys to trawl through the aisles. I've been doing most of my shopping online since working straight from September, so it took a while to get used to the "system" (Mike wanted to go through each aisle in order, no cutting aisles, cause it messes up the "system"). Finally we had our cart filled with necessities and went to the checkout. Turns out, I couldn't use my points in store. I was tempted to just leave the groceries and go home. I ended up paying for it and went to the customer service desk. "We're here to help" the sign said. While I was explaining the whole thing to the man behind the counter, he was browsing through an Argos catalogue, barely making eye contact, and not even pretending to be interested in what I was saying. He helped me out by dialing the customer helpline for Nectar. The lady on the phone said I had 33,000 points so she didn't know why I couldn't use my card. "You should be able to use your card. They're wrong." Ok, yes, I got that part. I said the customary thank you and goodbye. The man browsing the Argos catalogue was replaced by an equally uninterested woman. I asked her if I can get a refund of my purchase and use my points instead. Why no, you'd have to do another round of grocery shopping on top of what you already have. Why thank you uninterested woman, but no, I don't think I need double of what I have right now.

Sainsbury's if you're listening, you should really change the sign behind the customer service desk to "We're here to piss you off and ruin your day or I'm here to pretend to help you but really I'm just going to dial a customer service number for you while I look through an Argos catalogue cause I can't be bothered to do jack (fill in with desired expletive)." Jaimee Oliver I think you need to change sponsors. I'm going back to Tesco online shopping.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Christmas shopping

I was on my way to PC World and notice how people on the highstreet looked so grumpy. They seemed so miserable with all their shopping bags, rushing about, going around in circles, shopping, (most of them had bags from primark, that's definitely a reason to be grumpy, I'm always grumpy after I leave primark, and I've only been there twice) Online shopping is a way to go. 12 days to go and I'm all done with my christmas shopping. No queing, angry customers at the till, rushing around before the stores close, nada. I'm so relaxed I even feel like singing a christmas tune (naaaaah, never!).

Thursday, December 03, 2009

The Recession Tree

I haven't been going out much during my "vacation"; I use the term loosely since I still logon to check my mails and what not. I tend to go out only when I'm meeting friends. Good thing Cindy and Pest are here to indulge me. Last week we tried Rodizio Rico in Westbourne Grove. We saw a sign that said (cue angels, the sky opening and the token beam of light shining through) Eat All You Can Meat. Mmmmm, sounds good. We promptly booked dinner. I had a good idea to dress down since I'd be smelling of barbeque anyway. Pest had an even greater idea to just dress like he was going out jogging. Cindy and Darwyn dressed like...Cindy and Darwyn...hehehe. I didn't eat the whole day to prepare my belly for the gluttony ahead. The place was tiny so it fills up really quickly. The meat just came and came and came until I had to stop eating for fear of not getting home. If you like meat, barbeque and eating like there's no tomorrow then this is the place for you. Pest and I walked home and I had to stop every few feet while simultaneously rubbing my belly. In the end I just pretended I was pregnant.

A couple of days ago I went shoe shopping with Pest. Not much people around since it was a weekday, that's always a plus. We got sidetracked and ended up browsing in the shops. Now I'm all for Christmas decorations, but I think this one just screams out recession.