Thursday, December 22, 2005


I was looking for recipes online. I don't know...for some inspiration (naks artiste!) Now I know cooking doesn't come naturally to most people, heck I only started cooking in college. And my first attempts were inedible to say the least, but most people DO KNOW how to make (I don't even know what term to use here but anyway...) INSTANT noodles. You know what I mean, those that come in the pack, like Lucky Me instant noodles, or taiwanese instant noodles (the best btw). So why do I find this in a recipe search?????

Cook ramen noodles in a large pot of boiling salted water 3-4 minutes or until al dente. Drain thoroughly. Toss with flavor packet.

Hello??? Is this a valid R.E.C.I.P.E. ?!?!?!?!? *pant pant pant* These are instructions!!!

So anyway, I'm off to make noodle soup. do I boil water again?

So scrounging stuff from the fridge (ooooooooo everything's frozen!) I managed to gather ingredients that can make for an edible meal. Tadaaaaa! Yum yum if I do say so myself.

2 Chicken Cubes (I don't have a pot large enough to make my own stock...excuses excuses...)
2 Packs Noodles (no not the ones that come with flavored packets)
1 Egg
Homemade chili (courtesy of my mother in law who makes the best chili)

Monday, December 19, 2005

Wedding Picture

Browsing through my blogs I have realized that I haven't even posted one single picture of my wedding day. That was a fantastic day for me. By my standards (consumer standards) my wedding was fairly simple, straight to the point. I think it suited me, my hippie side. Nothing too frilly, not much preparation. I must say I couldn't stop myself from smiling the whole day. Everything was just perfect. husband. Awww.

It's almost Christmas

Well, this is going to be my 2nd Christmas away from home. Away from my mom. I feel sad, but grownup a little bit too. It's just me and Michael this year. Hopefully next year I can spend it with my mom. I am looking forward to my birthday though. Mike and I have planned a stay-in. Well, we usually stay-in a lot anyway but this time he's going to cook for me, and then we're going to turn the heating up and wrap ourselves in our wonderful new lambswool throw, and watch dvd's. Oh and I'm making him hot chocolate.

I can't wait til Christmas.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

What's it like being married?

I have been married for a month. *How does it feel being married?* *What's it like being married?* And all sorts of questions essentially asking if I have morphed into this unrecognizable alien after getting married. Honestly, it's all the same. I can't say if it's good with everything being the same. I am certainly happy though. And I'm certainly not complaining that everything is still the same. I'd be rather shocked if everything changed overnight after getting hitched. My husband *oooooo gives me tingles saying that* is a warm and caring man. So with everything being the way it is before we said our i-do's...I'm not complaining.

I've got my visa. Yeeeeeeeey! I can finally work. I hope I get a job soon.