Saturday, August 23, 2008

Go Beijing!

The 2008 Olympics will conclude tomorrow. I don't know how I'll cope. I think I'll have withdrawal symptoms for a few days. I've been following the olympics more than I've followed any other (apart from Greg Louganis crashing into the swimming pool after that dive in 84) due to the fact that this year everything is in China.

When I watched the opening ceremony (on TV obviously), I felt choked up. Like I was going to cry (and I did, after each segment, while my husband was looking at me like I was the weirdest person he's ever met), my eyes welled up, and I felt PROUD. What's happening to me? I haven't even been to China. The only thing linking me to China is my grandfather's birth certificate (and the fact that in my everyday life, my being chinese gets more evident in the way I speak, eat and live. I do shave though. ). I felt proud to see my grandparent's country come so far and acheive so much. Sure there's still the human rights issues but other countries have that too. On this day however, they pulled everything off perfectly. I kept on repeating over and over, nobody is ever going to top this. I felt P-R-O-U-D.

I wish my grandparents could have seen the opening. I think my tears were for them too, of not being able to go back home and see their family, only being able to watch from a distance. I now understand the feeling of being away from the place where you came from, of not having ties, but knowing that you're still part of that faraway country. Of rooting for them to succeed, and screaming with joy when it finally happens.


Melissa said...

I very well understand this pride and joy for most Chinese. Take for example my very own Mr. Tong. He's been egging me to speak Fookien since the Olympics has started. Hopefully, it'll end today when the games finish. Hahaha!

So said...

According to Fan fookien is dying out in China. Oh diba nakakasad. We're a dying breed (in China). I told him, go to Binondo, you'll get a year's worth of Fookien...and then some!