Tuesday, August 26, 2008


Last night I was coming down with the flu, but stubborn as I am I kept on browsing into the wee hours of the night. In my daze I totally forgot what I entered in google and I stumbled on a bead site. It was a eureka moment. I couldn't wait to try it out.

My dizziness turned into full blown flu today and I made the excuse of going out to buy *flu medicine*. Lucky for me the art store is just right beside the chemists. I armed myself with clay and headed back home (with my flu medicine of course!).

Admittedly I was feeling dizzy but I get antsy when I don't do anything for the whole day. I thought about waiting for the book that I ordered (Yes...when I'm onto something I immerse myself fully...) but then again, how hard can bead making be? (This is my arrogance speaking here.)

Viola! Beads! All that's left now is to put holes and bake them (Yes...I make it sound so simple.) There's a lot of things that could go wrong in the baking process. There's this ominous warning on the packaging that says: IF CLAY IS SCORCHED OR BURNED, LEAVE OVEN DOOR OPEN AND EVACUATE PREMISES FOR AT LEAST 20 MINUTES UNTIL FUMES DISSIPATE. Nice eh?


Melissa said...

Dearest Stubborn Robs,

While I'm scratching my head as I remembered to tell you to take it easy yesterday, you made beads. Sigh. Oh well, I'm very happy for you because you found something you love to do. Can't wait for you to string them and turn them to charm bracelets.


El PresiBENte said...


Eek, hope no-one mistake the smell of the fumes for Meth. :)