The train trip on the way to Newcastle, even the aisles were packed full of people.
We finally arrived at Newcastle and Professor Astronomer kindly gave us directions to the stadium. One thing on my mind was what Ray told me as soon as he handed me the tickets. *Remember, Newcastle fans are a bit hardcore, so be careful.* We stopped at a pub, we had an hour to kill plus I needed to use the loo (the train was too packed to do anything). The pub was full of Newcastle fans in their customary black and white jerseys. Michael whispered *Whatever you do, don't let them know we're going to the stadium to watch the game* Right. I wanted to take a picture of the pub full of fans but my paranoia kicked in. What if they suddenly run amuck because of the flash? What if they notice the camera? Heheheh...I know it was a bit farfetched.

We headed off to the stadium. When we got to the room (I forgot the name) there were tables laid out for the companies that sponsor the tickets. We had our meal (normal buffet, with really good gravy) and then it was time for us to go. I had 3 cups of coffee and a gooey desert to keep me awake during the game. I was already woozy from lack of sleep, maybe the coffee will help. I shouldn't have worried. As soon as the game started Michael went bananas. He started cheering (loudly, ignoring Ray's insightful reminder about Newcastle fans) and I thought we were going to get bottled by the fans above us. I was wired up from the coffee and the whole time kept on going *shhh! You're going to get us killed!*


That's my husband's hand...
The stadium was packed! No empty seats in sight. 57,600 fans were there, a small number up in the corner (waaaay up) were the Tottenham fans. They were flanked by police wearing reflector tops. What could they do if a riot started? I didn't want to know. At halftime we went back to the room to get our drinks and curiously (or predictably) the other people sitting beside us stayed away. Probably cause they didn't like us for cheering on Tottenham or because they didn't want to be associated with us and get killed. After our drinks we went back to the game. The men sitting in front kept on looking at Michael (menacingly) and one of them uttered something that we both didn't understand. It sounded like he wanted to get a piece of Michael after the game *Gulp*.

Tottenham lost. Darn. They were crap. Newcastle definitely deserved to win. After the last whistle, some of the Newcastle fans shook hands with my husband (he did have the guts to cheer his team on afterall, with the threat of getting maimed).

Mike at the start of the game (Hi Ray!)

and after we lost...
The trip home was uneventful. I sat beside a guy on his way home to Thailand. He got bumped off his flight, had a whole day to go before his replacement flight left for Thailand. I got into a conversation with him (he was a bit drunk and I was scared to say no) and he proceeded to show me pictures of his wife and kid. I also found out that he worked in an oil rig (Wow, I've never met someone who worked in an oil rig) Interesting! Apparently it's very hard work. His face registered it when I asked what he did at work. *It's just pure hard work...you can't imagine how hard it is.*
Afterwards I transferred seats (there was one free beside Mike, finally) and fell asleep. ZZZZZ.
It was a great day. I can't wait to see my next football match.
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