I have found a long lost friend. A very very very dear friend whom I spent most of my formative years with aka the-woe-is-me-teenage-years. We went to a summer trip in Taiwan together, me with braces and all, and faced a world of endless bickering, bitching, ouiji boards, boys and friendship. I still have the pictures, they're still kept safe. We spent the last months after highschool graduation practically joined at the hip. We went to driving school together. I feel asleep at the wheel. The driving instructor was livid, she found it hilarious. We went to the same uni...and then... Stuff happens when you grow up, things that may break strong bonds and drive people apart. So much so that they feel they can never go back to being in the same room with the person that they've shared almost everything with (I say almost because we've never shared boys which is a relief because we'd be in the loony bin what with all the major assholes we've had between us). It is a relief for me then, to find out that what I thought was lost forever was in fact always there. We just had to grow apart for awhile, to see things without being joined at the hip, to feel things that might not have been as bad if we were together. We just had to grow up separately and find our own way, our own friends, our own world. Are we better persons because of it? Did it do us good to allow the pettiness to drive us apart? Yes...because now that we've found each other again, we know how much more this means to each of us. We have so much more to share because we know so much more. We know we are our own person, we each have our own thoughts about life, we know we don't always have to be together to be good friends. How do I feel about reconnecting? Like having coffee on a wonderfully lazy and breezy afternoon, having a nice long drag from your cigarette (ok ok I AM trying to quit) on a remote island (that you've bought with your own hard earned, sweat filled, up-yours savings) with all of your nearest and dearest alongside you. My circle is complete. I have found Sad, and I am overjoyed.
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